March 30, 2008

art as authority

this is the guy (the one getting inked as part of his art show) who teaches us how to do the art classes for the boys' school...

I haven't really checked out the site yet, so I take no responsibility... there is a nice article on him in Sunday's U-T though...


I am honored to have a celebrity visit my blog, and a comment from the artist himself, Kevin Freitas:

"The blog, is user friendly and user safe and covers a lot of what's going on in the arts in SD. I welcome everyone to check it out and leave a comment, if they so desire. The exhibit downtown at Simayspace Gallery that I organized and curated (and where I was inked), is within the confines of the Art Academy of San Diego, and is open until April 25th. Please visit. Thanks!"

So go. Get some culture in your life.


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks JK! I found your blog just now. The blog, is user friendly and user safe and covers a lot of what's going on in the arts in SD. I welcome everyone to check it out and leave a comment, if they so desire. The exhibit downtown at Simayspace Gallery that I organized and curated (and where I was inked), is within the confines of the Art Academy of San Diego, and is open until April 25th. Please visit. Thanks!

Mr. Nauton said...

Thanks to you for stopping by, Kevin -- I'm in an art class now that has an assignment to go on a "field trip," so I'll pass the gallery info along to my classmates... I think I'll also use your comment since you're the first celebrity to ever find my blog (besides Angelina Jolie, and she only comments anonymously)...

Anonymous said...

That's because I respect your wife as well as my husband Brad.

Signed, The Commenter Formerly Known As AJ

Mr. Nauton said...

Hey, I respect your husband too -- whatta hottie!

signed, The "victim" that won't tell the judge about the restraining order violation, AJ, wink, wink...

Mr. Nauton said...

hmmm... not sure that made any sense... sorry.