November 3, 2008

Redemption vs. Election

Just had a nice couple on the doorstep, the type I usually brusquely remind about private property and trespassing laws. But since the she of the couple was mildly cute, I let her talk a minute and invite us to church. Alas, when opening the screen door to get her pamphlet, the daily cascade of voting placards* landed at their feet and I asked "did ya vote yet?" --

Awkward silence.

They stammered a bit and said no, they were more concerned with my eternal soul and the end of the world. They did want to see the right Propositions pass (no gay marriage being the big one), but always left it to God's will.

When they asked why we didn't go to our regular church anymore, I told them it was because no one there ever voted...

*thanks, Slim +


Slim said...

That makes me think of the joke with the guy on his roof in a flood who turns down a helicopter and a boat trying to save him, telling his saviors "No thanks, God will save me". Then God appears and asks why he didn't take any of the help (helicopter and boat) God had sent the man's way.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they realized that today is election day, not yesterday. Were you just trying to trick the naive that religious people vote on a different day than the sinners?

Mr. Nauton said...

Around here we rock the absentee ballot so we can vote while in the comfort of our home while watching football, basing each important life-altering decision on who scores first -- but I don't remember whether I registered as "sinner" or "saved"...

twobuyfour said...

Slim - Your delivery is awful! That WAS a funny joke. Don't quit your day job.

JK - Absolutely loved that story! I guess these people fell in to the zealot category, rather than the well-rounded category. Jesus would have wanted them to vote.